home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Blog XML Javascript
- --------------------------------
- A poor attempt to keep all blog XML manipulation code here
- */
- const bloglistxmlfile = "performancing-bloglist.xml";
- //For testing only
- //var gBlogObject = null;
- //var gTempBlogObject = new Object();
- performancingUtil.prototype.deleteBlogEntry = function(theListObject){
- var blogGroup = document.getElementById("blog-group");
- if (blogGroup.selectedItem) {
- var theGUID = blogGroup.selectedItem.getAttribute('blogGUID');
- var writeConfirmed = performancingUtil.prototype.removeBlogEntryFromXML(theGUID);
- if(!writeConfirmed){
- var errorMessage = performancingUI.getLocaleString('errordeletingblog', []);
- // Error deleting the selected Blog entry\n Please try again.
- alert(errorMessage);
- }
- else {
- //Reload the file - in the future, only remove the item form the listbox
- performancingUI.init();
- }
- }
- else {
- var alertMessage = performancingUI.getLocaleString('mustselectblog', []);
- alert(alertMessage);
- }
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.removeBlogEntryFromXML = function(theGUID){
- try{
- var file = gPerformancingUtil.getXMLFile();
- var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8");
- var theBlogXML = new XML(theXMLString);
- //dump("The Read XML: " + theBlogXML..GUID + '\n' + "GUID to Delete:" + theGUID + '\n')
- //delete dude..blog.(GUID == theGUID);
- var entryIndex = theBlogXML.blogs.blog.(GUID == theGUID ).childIndex();
- delete theBlogXML.blogs.blog[entryIndex];
- //Now save the file
- var newWrite = PerFormancingFileIO.write(file, theBlogXML.toString(), "w", "UTF-8");
- if(!newWrite) {
- var errorMessage = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cannotwritetofile', []);
- //Can not write to file, you may not have the correct permissions
- alert(errorMessage);
- return false;
- }
- try{
- gPerformancingUtil.prefs.setCharPref("settings.lastselected.blog", theBlogXML..blog.GUID[0]);
- }catch(e){
- }
- return true;
- }catch(e){
- //dump('Delete Error: ' + e + '\n');
- return false;
- }
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.getArrOfCatChecked = function(checkListIDname, isMT){
- var checkList = document.getElementById(checkListIDname);
- var tempArray = [];
- if(isMT){
- for(i=0; i < checkList.childNodes.length; i++ ){
- try{
- if(checkList.childNodes[i].checked){
- //var myResponse = myServiceObject.setPostCategories('123', [{'dude' : 'dude2'}, {'dude3' : 'dude4'} ]);
- var tempStruct = {'categoryId' : checkList.childNodes[i].getAttribute('cat') };
- //dump("\n CategoryId: " + checkList.childNodes[i].getAttribute('cat') + "\n" )
- tempArray.push(tempStruct);
- //dump("\n tempArray: " + tempArray + "\n");
- }
- }catch(e){
- //foo
- }
- }
- }else{
- for(i=0; i < checkList.childNodes.length; i++ ){
- try{
- if(checkList.childNodes[i].checked){
- //var myResponse = myServiceObject.setPostCategories('123', [{'dude' : 'dude2'}, {'dude3' : 'dude4'} ]);
- var tempString = checkList.childNodes[i].label;
- //dump("\n CategoryId: " + checkList.childNodes[i].getAttribute('cat') + "\n" )
- tempArray.push(tempString);
- //dump("\n tempArray: " + tempArray + "\n");
- }
- }catch(e){
- //foo
- }
- }
- }
- //alert("tempStruct.categoryId: " + tempStruct.categoryId);
- return tempArray;
- }
- // #### API GETTERS ####
- performancingUtil.prototype.getCategoryList = function(theGUID){
- //dump("Get Category List if you can\n");
- var theBlogXML = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObjectXML;
- //
- var myServiceObject = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObject;
- var myResponse = myServiceObject.getCategoryList();
- var localeString2 = performancingUI.getLocaleString('notavailable', []);
- if(myResponse){
- //dump("Get Cetegory Response ###########:\n" + myResponse + "\n");
- gPerformancingUtil.clearCheckListOut('blog-sidebar-listing-categories');
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('fetchingcategories', []);
- //Fetching Categories..
- gPerformancingUtil.addItemToCheckList([localeString], 0, 'blog-sidebar-listing-categories', null, localeString2, "", 'label' );
- performancing_xmlcall.sendCommand(theBlogXML.apiurl.toString(), myResponse, 'categorycall', "", "", performancing_xmlcall.processData);
- }else{
- //Disable the category section
- //dump("Category Response Error: ###########:\n" + myResponse + "\n");
- gPerformancingUtil.clearCheckListOut('blog-sidebar-listing-categories');
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('nocategoriesavailable', []);
- //No Categories Available
- gPerformancingUtil.addItemToCheckList([localeString], 0, 'blog-sidebar-listing-categories', null, localeString2, "", 'label' );
- }
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.getBlogPages = function (theGUID) {
- var theBlogXML = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObjectXML;
- var myServiceObject = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObject;
- // Set number of history pages to get.
- var numOfPosts = 10;
- try { numOfPosts = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getIntPref("display.history.numbertoshow"); } catch(e) { numOfPosts = 10; }
- var myResponse = myServiceObject.getPages();
- performancing_xmlcall.sendCommand(theBlogXML.apiurl.toString(), myResponse, 'pagescall', null, theGUID, performancing_xmlcall.processData);
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('notavailable', []);
- if (theBlogXML..blogtype == "wordpress_cust") {
- gPerformancingUtil.clearListOut('performancing-pages-list');
- if (myResponse) {
- var localeString2 = performancingUI.getLocaleString('loading', []);
- gPerformancingUtil.addItemToList([localeString2], 0, 'performancing-pages-list', null, localeString, "");
- } else {
- gPerformancingUtil.addItemToList([localeString], 0, 'performancing-pages-list', null, localeString, "");
- }
- }
- else {
- gPerformancingUtil.clearListOut('performancing-pages-list');
- gPerformancingUtil.addItemToList([localeString], 0, 'performancing-pages-list', null, localeString, "");
- }
- };
- performancingUtil.prototype.getBlogHistory = function(theGUID){
- //dump("Get Blog history if you can\n");
- var theBlogXML = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObjectXML;
- var myServiceObject = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObject;
- //Set number of history posts to get.
- var numOfPosts = 10;
- try{
- numOfPosts = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getIntPref("display.history.numbertoshow");
- }catch(e){
- numOfPosts = 10;
- }
- var myResponse = myServiceObject.getRecentPosts(numOfPosts);
- //first 3 are for legacy support (v1.0)
- if( !(theBlogXML..blogtype == "blogger_com") || !(theBlogXML..blogtype == "livejournal_atom_com") || !(theBlogXML..blogtype == "atom_cust") || !(theBlogXML..blogtype == "s_atom") || !(theBlogXML..blogtype == "atom") || !(theBlogXML..blogtype == "atom_blogger") ){
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('notavailable', []);
- if(myResponse){
- //dump("Get History Response ###########:\n" + myResponse + "\n");
- var localeString2 = performancingUI.getLocaleString('loading', []);
- gPerformancingUtil.clearListOut('performancing-history-list');
- gPerformancingUtil.addItemToList([localeString2], 0, 'performancing-history-list', null, localeString, "" );
- performancing_xmlcall.sendCommand(theBlogXML.apiurl.toString(), myResponse, 'historycall', null, theGUID, performancing_xmlcall.processData);
- }else{
- //dump("History Response Error ###########:\n" + myResponse + "\n");
- gPerformancingUtil.clearListOut('performancing-history-list');
- //dataArray, number, listIDname, theGUID, theURL, onItemClick, aDate, aPostId
- gPerformancingUtil.addItemToList([localeString], 0, 'performancing-history-list', null, localeString, "" );
- }
- }else{
- }
- }
- // #### API SETTERS
- //gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.blog");
- performancingUtil.prototype.postCurrentItem = function(){
- //dump("Post Current Item if you can\n");
- var theGUID = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.blog");
- if(gSelectedBlog != null && gSelectedBlog != 'null'){
- var theBlogXML = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObjectXML;
- var myServiceObject = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObject;
- //figure out which HTML to grab (source or rich)
- var tabbox = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tabbox");
- //Insert Technorati tags automatically?
- //performancingUI.insertTechnorati()
- if( gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getBoolPref('extra.inserttechnorati') ){
- performancingUI.insertTechnorati();
- }
- //Insert Powered by Performancing
- if( gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getBoolPref('extra.insertpfftext2')){
- performancingUI.insertPoweredByPFF();
- }
- var theContent = null;
- //dump('Content Tab Selected: ' + tabbox.selectedIndex + '\n');
- if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 0 || tabbox.selectedIndex == 2){//Rich or preview
- var winNormal = document.getElementById("performancing-message");
- theContent = winNormal.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
- }else if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 1){ //Source
- //If pref, convert chartype
- //gPerformancingUtil.convertFromUnicode
- theContent = document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value
- }else{
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('couldnotfindcontent', []);
- //PerFormancing Error: Could not find content, please contact the author
- alert(localeString);
- }
- if(theContent != null){
- if( performancingUI.checkSubjectEmpty() ){
- var theTitle = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-subject").value;
- //If LiveJournal, add Title
- theContent = performancingMidas.getXHTML(theContent);
- if(theBlogXML.blogtype == 'livejournal_com'){
- theContent = theContent + "<title>" + theTitle + "</title>";
- }
- //Send as specified by encoding pref
- var theBlogCharType = gPerformancingUtil.getCharType();
- //theContent = gPerformancingUtil.convertFromUnicode(theContent, theBlogCharType);
- var publishThisPost = 1;
- var isDraft = document.getElementById("performancing-draft-checkbox").checked;
- //var useBool = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getBoolPref("publishing.truebool");
- var useBool = gPerformancingUtil.useBooleanPublish(theBlogXML.blogtype, theBlogXML.useboolean);
- if(isDraft){
- publishThisPost = 'bool0';
- if(useBool){
- publishThisPost = false;
- }
- }else{
- publishThisPost = 'bool1';
- if(useBool){
- publishThisPost = true;
- }
- }
- // If the pages tab is selected, post this as a page.
- if (document.getElementById('performancing-sidebar-vbox').getAttribute("selectedIndex") == "4") {
- var myResponse = myServiceObject.newPage(theTitle, theContent, null, publishThisPost);
- performancingUI.toggleEnableOnPost();
- performancingUI.onServerSend();
- performancing_xmlcall.sendCommand(theBlogXML.apiurl.toString(), myResponse, 'newpagecall', null, "", performancing_xmlcall.processData);
- }
- else {
- var catArray1 = this.getArrOfCatChecked('blog-sidebar-listing-categories', false);
- var myResponse = myServiceObject.newPost(theTitle, theContent, catArray1, null, publishThisPost);//Should it be 1?
- performancingUI.toggleEnableOnPost();
- performancingUI.onServerSend();
- var catArray = this.getArrOfCatChecked('blog-sidebar-listing-categories', true);
- performancing_xmlcall.sendCommand(theBlogXML.apiurl.toString(), myResponse, 'newpostcall', catArray, "", performancing_xmlcall.processData);
- }
- }else{
- //dump('Subjet was empty, canceled \n');
- }
- }
- }else{
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('pleaseselectablogs', []);
- alert(localeString);
- }
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.useBooleanPublish = function(aBlogType, usesBoolean){
- //alert(" theBlogXML.blogtype: " + aBlogType + " usesBoolean: " + usesBoolean.toString() );
- if(usesBoolean.toString() == 'true'){
- return true;
- }else{
- switch (aBlogType.toString()) { //this._fareWatcherState = FAREWATCHER_STATE_ERROR;
- case 'drupal_cust':
- case 'performancing_com':
- return true;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- break;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- //TODO, mush this and postCurrentItem together with a flag
- performancingUtil.prototype.editCurrentItem = function(){
- //dump("Post Current Item if you can\n");
- var theGUID = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.blog");
- var pubButton = document.getElementById("performancing-republish-button");
- var thePostID = pubButton.getAttribute("lastpostid");
- var theDateCreated = pubButton.getAttribute("datecreated");
- if(gSelectedBlog != null && gSelectedBlog != 'null'){
- var theBlogXML = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObjectXML;
- var theBlogType = theBlogXML.blogtype.toString();
- //Hard coded, if it's wordpress, leave dateCreated blank
- if(theBlogType == "wordpress_com" || theBlogType == "wordpress_cust" ){
- theDateCreated = "";
- }
- var myServiceObject = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObject;
- //figure out which HTML to grab (source or rich)
- var tabbox = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tabbox");
- var theContent = null;
- //dump('Content Tab Selected: ' + tabbox.selectedIndex + '\n');
- if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 0 || tabbox.selectedIndex == 2){//Rich or preview
- var winNormal = document.getElementById("performancing-message");
- theContent = winNormal.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
- }else if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 1){ //Source
- theContent = document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value
- }else{
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('couldnotfindcontent', []);
- //PerFormancing Error: Could not find content, please contact the author
- alert(localeString);
- }
- if(theContent != null){
- if( performancingUI.checkSubjectEmpty() ){
- var theTitle = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-subject").value;
- //If LiveJournal, add Title
- theContent = performancingMidas.getXHTML(theContent);
- if(theBlogXML.blogtype == 'livejournal_com'){
- theContent = theContent + "<title>" + theTitle + "</title>";
- }
- //Send as specified by encoding pref
- var theBlogCharType = gPerformancingUtil.getCharType();
- //theContent = gPerformancingUtil.convertFromUnicode(theContent, theBlogCharType);
- var publishThisPost = 1;
- var isDraft = document.getElementById("performancing-draft-checkbox").checked;
- var useBool = gPerformancingUtil.useBooleanPublish(theBlogXML.blogtype, theBlogXML.useboolean);
- if(isDraft){
- publishThisPost = 'bool0';
- if(useBool){
- publishThisPost = false;
- }
- }else{
- publishThisPost = 'bool1';
- if(useBool){
- publishThisPost = true;
- }
- }
- var catArray1 = this.getArrOfCatChecked('blog-sidebar-listing-categories', false);
- var myResponse = myServiceObject.editPost(thePostID, theTitle, theContent, catArray1, theDateCreated, publishThisPost);
- //dump("Get New Post Response ###########:\n" + myResponse + "\n");
- performancingUI.toggleEnableOnPost();
- performancingUI.onServerSend();
- var catArray = this.getArrOfCatChecked('blog-sidebar-listing-categories', true);
- performancing_xmlcall.sendCommand(theBlogXML.apiurl.toString(), myResponse, 'editpostcall', catArray, "", performancing_xmlcall.processData);
- }else{
- //dump('Subjet was empty, canceled \n');
- }
- }
- }else{
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('pleaseselectablogs', []);
- //Please Select a Blog before trying to publish!
- alert(localeString);
- }
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.setCategoryList = function(aPostID, catArray){
- //dump("Get Category List if you can\n");
- var theGUID = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.blog");
- var theBlogXML = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObjectXML;
- var myServiceObject = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObject;
- var myResponse = myServiceObject.setPostCategories(aPostID, catArray);
- //publishPost
- if(myResponse){
- //dump("Get Category SET Response ###########:\n" + myResponse + "\n");
- performancing_xmlcall.sendCommand(theBlogXML.apiurl.toString(), myResponse, 'setcategoriescall', null, null, performancing_xmlcall.processData );
- }else{
- //Disable the cetagory section
- //dump("Category SET Response Error: ###########:\n" + myResponse + "\n");
- }
- //Now publish it! This fixes a typepad category bug
- //gPerformancingUtil.publishThePost(gLastPostID);
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.publishThePost = function(aPostID){
- //dump("Publish Post\n");
- var theGUID = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.blog");
- var theBlogXML = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObjectXML;
- var myServiceObject = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObject;
- var myResponse = myServiceObject.publishPost(aPostID);
- //publishPost
- if(myResponse){
- //dump("Publish POST Response ###########:\n" + myResponse + "\n");
- performancing_xmlcall.sendCommand(theBlogXML.apiurl.toString(), myResponse, 'publishPost', null, null, performancing_xmlcall.processData );
- }else{
- //Disable the cetagory section
- //dump("Published Post Response Error: ###########:\n" + myResponse + "\n");
- }
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.deleteHistoryItem = function(){
- var confirmText = performancingUI.getLocaleString("deletepostconfirm", []);
- if (confirm(confirmText)){
- //dump("Delete Item if you can\n");
- var theGUID = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.blog");
- var theBlogXML = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObjectXML;
- var theListElement = document.getElementById('performancing-history-list');
- var thePostID = theListElement.selectedItem.getAttribute('postid');
- try{
- var myServiceObject = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObject;
- var myResponse = myServiceObject.deletePost(thePostID);
- if(myResponse){
- performancing_xmlcall.sendCommand(theBlogXML.apiurl.toString(), myResponse, 'deletehistorycall', null, null, performancing_xmlcall.processData);
- performancingMidas.makeBlank(); //clear out the onte area.
- performancingUI.toggleExtraOptDeck(true);
- //performancingUI.clearTechnoratiTags();
- }else{
- //foo
- }
- }catch(e){
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('selectitemtodelete', [e]);
- alert(localeString);
- }
- }
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.deletePage = function(){
- if (confirm("Are you sure? This will permanently delete the selected page from your blog.")) {
- var theGUID = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.blog");
- var theBlogXML = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObjectXML;
- var theListElement = document.getElementById('performancing-pages-list');
- var thePostID = theListElement.selectedItem.getAttribute('postid');
- try{
- var myServiceObject = gPerformancingUtil.serviceObject;
- var myResponse = myServiceObject.deletePage(thePostID);
- if(myResponse){
- performancing_xmlcall.sendCommand(theBlogXML.apiurl.toString(), myResponse, 'deletepagecall', null, null, performancing_xmlcall.processData);
- performancingMidas.makeBlank();
- performancingUI.toggleExtraOptDeck(true);
- }
- }catch(e){
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('selectitemtodelete', [e]);
- alert(localeString);
- }
- }
- }